Freemasonry A Tradition of Brotherhood and Enlightenment Tottenham Haringey

Freemasonry A Tradition of Brotherhood and Enlightenment Tottenham Haringey

Freemasonry A Tradition of Brotherhood and Enlightenment Tottenham Haringey

By John Canoe

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Reparation Corner, 41 - 47 West Green Rd, Tottenham, Haringey. N15

41 West Green Road London N15 5BY United Kingdom

About this event

Freemasonry: A Tradition of Brotherhood and Enlightenment

Freemasonry, often simply referred to as Masonry, is a fraternal organization that traces its origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which existed in the late Middle Ages. While its exact origins are uncertain, Freemasonry as it exists today emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. It is characterized by its emphasis on moral and spiritual development, charity, and brotherhood.

Core Tenets of Freemasonry:

  1. Brotherhood: Freemasonry emphasizes the bonds of brotherhood among its members, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.
  2. Moral and Spiritual Development: Central to Freemasonry is the pursuit of moral and spiritual enlightenment, often symbolized through allegorical rituals and symbols.
  3. Charity: Freemasons are known for their philanthropic endeavors, supporting various charitable causes and providing assistance to those in need.
  4. Secrecy: While not a secret society, Freemasonry does maintain certain rituals and ceremonies that are kept confidential among its members.

Organizational Structure:

  1. Lodges: Freemasonry operates through local lodges, each of which is governed by a Grand Lodge. Lodges serve as the primary meeting place for Masonic activities.
  2. Degrees: Freemasonry is organized into degrees, typically consisting of three symbolic degrees: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. Advancement through these degrees signifies progress in moral and spiritual development.
  3. Rituals and Symbols: Freemasonry employs rituals and symbols to convey moral and philosophical teachings, often drawing on architectural and biblical imagery.

Sigma Pi Phi: The Boulé and Professional Excellence

Sigma Pi Phi, also known as The Boulé, is the oldest fraternity for African Americans, founded in 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Unlike traditional collegiate fraternities, Sigma Pi Phi is designed for professionals at mid-career or older and focuses on promoting excellence, leadership, and service within the African American community.

Key Aspects of Sigma Pi Phi:

  1. Professionalism: Sigma Pi Phi emphasizes professional achievement and excellence among its members, who are typically leaders in their respective fields.
  2. Exclusivity: Membership in Sigma Pi Phi is highly selective, with an emphasis on professional accomplishment and community service.
  3. Community Service: Sigma Pi Phi members are known for their contributions to social and political causes, particularly those affecting people of African descent.
  4. Historical Significance: Sigma Pi Phi has a rich history of leadership and service, with many prominent African American figures counted among its members.

SigmaCarta: Empowering Melanated Sigma Men

SigmaCarta is a community dedicated to the empowerment and self-improvement of melanated sigma men, offering resources and support for personal growth, spiritual development, and entrepreneurial collaboration. Founded on principles of self-reliance and collective learning, SigmaCarta provides a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, learn, and grow together.

Key Features of SigmaCarta:

  1. Self-Improvement: SigmaCarta offers resources and guidance for personal development, including podcasts, seminars, and supported learning opportunities.
  2. Spiritual Growth: Emphasizing spiritual growth and self-awareness, SigmaCarta encourages members to explore their inner selves and cultivate a deeper understanding of their purpose.
  3. Collaborative Learning: SigmaCarta fosters a community of collaborative learning, where members can share knowledge, insights, and experiences to support each other's growth.
  4. Entrepreneurial Collaboration: SigmaCarta provides a platform for entrepreneurial collaboration, encouraging members to leverage their skills and talents for mutual benefit.
  5. Community Engagement: SigmaCarta facilitates community engagement through in-person events, live broadcasts, and a secret Facebook group, allowing members to connect and interact with one another.

The Reparations Masons of ADEJA: Pursuing Justice and Empowerment

The Reparations Masons, a part of the African Diaspora Equity and Justice Alliance (ADEJA), are dedicated to advancing the cause of reparatory justice for Black Africans and the diaspora. Founded on principles of empowerment, unity, and historical justice, the Reparations Masons seek to address the legacies of colonialism, slavery, and systemic oppression through evidence-based claims and collective action.

Key Objectives of the Reparations Masons:

  1. Reparatory Justice: The Reparations Masons advocate for reparatory justice for Black Africans and the diaspora, seeking to address historical injustices and systemic inequalities.
  2. Empowerment: Through collective action and advocacy, the Reparations Masons empower Black communities to assert their rights and demand restitution for past wrongs.
  3. Unity: The Reparations Masons promote unity and solidarity among Black Africans and the diaspora, recognizing the importance of collective action in achieving meaningful change.
  4. Evidence-Based Claims: Central to their mission, the Reparations Masons prioritize evidence-based claims, utilizing historical research and legal advocacy to substantiate their demands for reparatory justice.
  5. Community Engagement: The Reparations Masons engage with communities both locally and globally, raising awareness of their cause and mobilizing support for reparatory initiatives.

Commonalities and Differences:

While Freemasonry, Sigma Pi Phi, SigmaCarta, and the Reparations Masons of ADEJA share a commitment to empowerment, unity, and community service, they differ in their focus, membership criteria, and organizational structure.


  1. Empowerment: All four organizations are dedicated to empowering their respective communities, whether through personal development, professional excellence, spiritual growth, or advocacy for reparatory justice.
  2. Unity: Each organization emphasizes the importance of unity and solidarity among its members, recognizing the strength that comes from collective action and collaboration.
  3. Service: Freemasonry, Sigma Pi Phi, SigmaCarta, and the Reparations Masons are all guided by principles of service and philanthropy, seeking to make a positive impact on society and uplift marginalized communities.


  1. Focus: While Freemasonry and Sigma Pi Phi focus on personal and professional development, SigmaCarta emphasizes spiritual growth and entrepreneurial collaboration. The Reparations Masons of ADEJA prioritize advocacy for reparatory justice and historical restitution.
  2. Membership Criteria: Freemasonry and Sigma Pi Phi have selective membership criteria, often based on professional achievement and character. SigmaCarta welcomes melanated sigma men seeking personal growth and collaboration. The Reparations Masons of ADEJA are open to individuals committed to advancing the cause of reparatory justice.
  3. Organizational Structure: Freemasonry and Sigma Pi Phi operate through lodges and chapters, respectively, with hierarchical structures and ceremonial rituals. SigmaCarta functions as a community platform, offering resources and support for its members. The Reparations Masons of ADEJA operate as part of an alliance dedicated to advocacy and activism.

Weekly Meetings of the Reparations Masons in Tottenham Haringey:

The Reparations Masons of ADEJA convene weekly in Tottenham Haringey, providing a forum for members to discuss and strategize on issues related to reparatory justice and community empowerment. These meetings serve as a platform for collaboration, education, and collective action, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences united by a common commitment to justice and empowerment.

Key Aspects of Weekly Meetings:

  1. Discussion: Meetings involve open discussions on topics related to reparatory justice, historical restitution, and community empowerment, providing members with opportunities to share insights, experiences, and perspectives.
  2. Strategy: Members strategize on advocacy efforts, evidence-based claims, and initiatives aimed at advancing the cause of reparatory justice for Black Africans and the diaspora, leveraging collective expertise and resources.
  3. Education: Meetings feature educational presentations, workshops, and guest speakers, enriching members' understanding of historical injustices, systemic inequalities, and effective advocacy strategies.
  4. Networking: Weekly meetings facilitate networking and collaboration among members, fostering connections and partnerships that strengthen the Reparations Masons' collective impact and influence.
  5. Community Engagement: The Reparations Masons actively engage with the local community in Tottenham Haringey, raising awareness of their mission and soliciting support for reparatory initiatives through outreach, education, and grassroots organizing.

In conclusion, while Freemasonry, Sigma Pi Phi, SigmaCarta, and the Reparations Masons of ADEJA each have distinct objectives, membership criteria, and organizational structures, they are united by a shared commitment to empowerment, unity, and service to their communities. Whether through personal development, professional excellence, spiritual growth, or advocacy for reparatory justice, these organizations play vital roles in advancing the well-being and empowerment of their members and the broader society.

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