Garforth Opinion

Garforth Opinion

By Magpie

Date and time

Wed, 10 May 2017 12:00 - 12:30 GMT+1


Cielo Coffee House

41 Main Street Garforth LS25 1DS United Kingdom


Free tea/coffee and cake!

We'd like to invite you to a 30 minute chat over coffee and cake to hear your opinions about a proposed NHS antibiotics campaign in Garforth.

Did you know that incorrect use of antibiotics could make them in-effective, which could lead to superbugs?

Did you know that superbugs could become a bigger threat to our health than cancer?

This may sound scary but evidence shows it is true. The NHS in Leeds would like your help to ensure we're doing all we can in Garforth to raise awareness of how to use antibiotics correctly, and reduce the threat of superbugs.

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