Hybrid Community Events (The Basics) - (WATCH NOW)

Hybrid Community Events (The Basics) - (WATCH NOW)

Are you interested in hosting hybrid events but don't know where to begin? Well, start with this workshop! A beginner's intro to the basics.

By Third Sector Network

Date and time

Thu, 27 Jun 2024 02:00 - 03:30 PDT



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About this event

    Please note: This is not a live event. This is a recorded workshop that ticket holders may watch immediately and as much as they like. The date/time listed for the event represents the latest time it may be viewed online (in this instance 5/4/24 @ 10am).
    The instructions of how to access the workshop are included in the order confirmation and are summarised at the bottom of this page.

    Online workshops, designed for charities | Available to watch NOW and on-demand!

    Are you interested in hosting 'hybrid' community or charity events, but don't really know where to start?

    Do you think Hybrid events might be something that can help your organisation hugely, but you worry it might be too much to take on?

    COVID19 pushed us all onto Zoom or Microsoft Teams, so now most people have some familiarity with the basics of remote working. This has opened a huge range of opportunities for community organisations and charities to offer online and 'hybrid' options for events and services they could only previous offer in person.

    However, just because you know how to login to a Zoom meeting, doesn't mean you know how to, or feel comfortable, hosting a hybrid event. This online workshop from Third Sector Network aims to show you that Hybrid events are not only far more simple to setup and host than you think, but they can make your events and meetings far better than they ever were before!

    And if you're worried this sounds a bit technical or you assume it won't be something you can manage with just basic IT skills and no know-how, think about this... If someone told you back in 2019 that logging into a meeting online would become as second nature as making a phone call, you'd probably have doubted that. Hybrid community events are something any charity with any level of skills or experience can soon master.

    99% of the know-how you need to host hybrid events is nothing to do with 'IT skills' or specialist knowledge. Most of it is about doing things you already know how to do, but simply doing them in a way that allows you top mix live events with online elements easily, regularly and in an engaging way.

    So, if you would like to double, treble (more!) the number of people who can engage with your events... If you want to create a system of hybrid hosting that means you're less reliant on physical locations and staff 'on location'... If you want to build a plan for events that can help your charity have sustainable, cheaper options for community outreach going forwards...

    This workshop is for you!

    Specific topics will include:

    • Which events work best as hybrid
    • How to start planning
    • Promotion and marketing hybrid events
    • Which platforms work best to host on
    • On the day, what to do
    • Plenty of helpful hints, tips and techniques that anyone can use.

    More about our host and Third Sector Network.

    Third Sector Network host a variety of events specifically for the charity, non-profit and social enterprise sectors. Our events are designed to give organisations plain, understandable and relatable information that can be used straight away to practical use and without the need for big budgets or staff resources.

    We always say:

    "Our number one aim at every event is to make sure you leave in a stronger, more confident place on the subject than before you came. We can't promise to make all your challenges and barriers disappear overnight, but we can promise you practical options, realistic solutions and a better understanding that empowers you to find a plan going forwards."

    So whether you're a larger nationwide organisation or a solo operation with a budget of zero, this workshop will definitely have something for you.

    Host & Trainer - Your host has worked in both the public and private sector. He was worked at senior levels of major non-profit organisations as well as for the government and major multinationals. Event planning and hosting has always been a major part of his roles and his experience with hybrid events goes back before COVID19 and the 'Zoom Boom'.

    For questions about the event please email: events@thirdsectornetwork.co.uk

    Call Third Sector Network on: 01509 728 463

    Frequently asked questions

    Is this a live event or a recording?

    This workshop has been recorded by Third Sector Network for you to watch on demand. The workshop becomes available to watch as soon as you have registered for a ticket and will continue to be available until the date/time listed for this event.

    Why is there a date and time for an event if I can watch it now?

    This is because all event on Eventbrite need to have a date/time listed. You may watch the online recording any time from the point of booking. But, you must have watched it by the date listed as it will not be available beyond this point.

    How long is the workshop?

    This particular workshop is 1hr 32mins long.

    What if I want multiple people to watch the workshop?

    If they are able to gather around the same device to watch it, one ticket will suffice. However both Third Sector Network and Eventbrite policies prohibit sharing tickets so if multiple people are in multiple locations they will need their own ticket.

    "Our charity is very small with a tiny budget, is this workshop suitable for us?"

    Yes, absolutely. Nothing we cover in this workshop requires big budgets (or a budget of any kind in most instances.) We can confidently say this workshop is suitable for ANY charity.

    Is there a refunds policy?

    Yes. If you have booked the workshop in error, you need to contact us immediately and any refund request made within 30 mins of booking will be arranged 'no questions asked'. After this point they are at our discretion.

    Can I register someone else to watch it?

    Yes. Their eTicket will be emailed to them. This will have a button on it saying "View Links" that will take them to the event recording.

    My non-profit is not UK based, can we benefit from watching?

    Absolutely! Whilst there may be a number of UK references in this workshop, all of the content is applicable whether you're in Birmingham, Brisbane or Buffalo! The principles of what we're teaching are globally relevant and useful.

    Organised by

    We are here specifically for the charity and non-profit sectors. We know the net is awash with online training webinars for the private sector and business networking events. But with Third Sector Network, you'll find these things are designed specifically to help charities and non-profits thrive and succeed.

    We offer expert led online training sessions where the expert passes on their know-how and experience with charities like yours... to you.

    What's more, all our online workshops provide the contact details for the expert host with an open invitation to get in touch! So if you want to seek more help and support from someone who's been where you've been and faced the challenges your charity faces, our online events make this possible.

    Broaden your horizons, boost your knowledge, share your experience with our networking sessions that bring you together with professional peers who can support you.

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