Inheaden Summer Social 2024 ☀️

Inheaden Summer Social 2024 ☀️

It's time for the 5th edition of the Inheaden Summer Social. Get ready to build lasting connections over some delicious food and drinks.

By Inheaden

Date and time

Starts on Saturday, June 29 · 5:30pm CEST


Hilpertstraße 31

Hilpertstraße 31 64295 Darmstadt Germany

About this event

  • Event lasts 6 hours 30 minutes

    The Inheaden Summer Social is a long-standing tradition that celebrates entrepreneurs and founders within our wonderful community.

    If you wish to build long-lasting partnerships and connections, expand your network and get in touch with like-minded individuals, then this is the event for you.

    Don't miss out if you're eager to:

    • participate in networking events 👥
    • connect with entrepreneurs and founders 🤝
    • enjoy some good music, delicious food and drinks 🍻
    • be part of the vibrant startup community 🎊

    And the best part?

    This event is meant for everyone! So if you're looking for work - wish to employ someone - find a co-founder for your business OR you’re just curious, then this event is for you.

    Registration is FREE, so grab your tickets now and we can’t wait to meet you! 🚀


    Das Inheaden Summer Social ist eine jährliche Veranstaltung, die die Entrepreneure und Gründer unserer großartigen Community würdigt.

    Wenn Sie dauerhafte Partnerschaften und Beziehungen aufbauen und Ihr Netzwerk mit Gleichgesinnten erweitern möchten, ist dieses Event genau das Richtige für Sie!

    Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit

    • an Networking-Events teilzunehmen 👥
    • Sich mit Entrepreneuren und Gründern zu vernetzen 🤝
    • Leckeres Essen und Getränke bei guter Musik zu genießen 🍻
    • Teil einer lebendingen Startup-Community zu sein 🎊

    Und das Beste daran?

    Das Event steht allen offen! Wenn Sie also an Jobmöglichkeiten interessiert sind, jemanden einstellen möchten, Gründungsmitglieder für Ihr Unternehmen gewinnen wollen ODER einfach neugierig sind, dann ist dieses Event genau das Richtige für Sie!

    Die Registrierung ist KOSTENLOS - sichern Sie sich noch heute ihr Ticket! Wir freuen uns auf Sie! 🚀

    Frequently asked questions

    Is this event really for FREE?

    Yes! ✅ We want to uplift the startup and SMB ecosystem in Darmstadt, so we host this event every year to bring our community together. It gives us a chance to learn and grow our network.

    I've never met someone from Inheaden, can I still attend?

    Yes, we love meeting new people! ? We're so excited to see you there. And don't forget to bring your friends and family too.

    Is this a hybrid event?

    Nope, this will be offline only!

    Will there be photographs taken at this event?

    Yes! We will definitely be hiring a photographer to capture the event and post about it on our social media. If you do not want to be in our pictures, please approach any of the Inheaden team members and inform them of the same.

    Is there a dress code?

    Anything comfortable and warm weather friendly is great. We are also huge fans of any clothing that is blue ? orange ? yellow ? or white ⬜️

    Organized by

    At Inheaden, we value our community immensely. Since the beginning of our journey back in 2017, our community has been our greatest source of strength and inspiration, supporting us through it all.

    Our events are centered around interacting and engaging with our community. Whether this is an online event or an in-person get together, our goal is to grow our community and create an environment that is conducive to networking and creating meaningful relationships. And we like to do this while having fun!

    We would be delighted to get to know you, so don't hesitate to join our community events even if you've never met us before. That's what they are for!

    If you'd like to know more about us, click here!