Introduction to LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management (EN)

Introduction to LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management (EN)

The UHLALA Group invites you to the brand new LGBTIQ+ Diversity Training. Note: The training is in two parts (see description text).

Datum und Uhrzeit

Mo. 7. Okt. 2024 01:00 - Di. 8. Okt. 2024 02:30 PDT




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Zu diesem Event

  • Eventdauer: 1 Tag 1 Stunde


You want your company to become more LGBTIQ+ friendly, but don't know where to start? You would like to know what other companies are doing to support their queer employees? You already have advanced LGBTIQ+ diversity management and would like to know what measures you can implement to become a real champion?

Answers to these and many other questions can be found in our two-part online training course “Introduction to LGBTIQ+ Diversity Management”. With this training, we want to give organizations a comprehensive overview of LGBTIQ+ diversity in the workplace and the many ways in which a queer-friendly structure can be supported.


The training is held once every six months. The two sessions take place on two following days (October 7 & 8) and last 1.5 hours each. If an appointment cannot be attended, it can be made up for in the next half-year at no additional cost. The structure of the training is based on the employee lifecycle and thus provides a well-founded impression of which structures can support queer employees from the initial approach, through the recruiting process, during their employment with the company until they leave.


Online via MS Teams. A link will be provided for both dates, which participants will receive after successful registration.


The two training parts will take place on two consecutive days:

Part 1: Monday, October 07, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. CEST

Part 2: Tuesday, October 08, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. CEST


We will be happy to issue you with a digital certificate for your participation following the training course. We will send you this by email after you have completed the second part of the training.


Of course, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and share your experiences with the group during the training. Together with the dial-in details, you will receive a link to a platform where you can submit your questions in advance.


The training is aimed in particular at diversity managers, recruiters and HR managers. We would also like to point out that some measures and best practice examples are primarily suitable for large and medium-sized organizations. Representatives of small companies are also welcome to participate in the training, but individual measures would have to be modified to adapt them to the given resources. Unfortunately, we will not have the time to go into detail during the training.


UHLALA Premium Partners: 0€

Other UHLALA Partners: 75€

For all others: 149€ plus VAT

Reduced prices apply for UHLALA partners. Premium partners can register up to four participants for the training free of charge, all other partners receive a 50% discount on the regular ticket price. A list of Premium Partners can be found below. The regular price of 149 plus VAT includes participation in both parts of the training, an online certificate to confirm participation and a handout on the training content.


We Stay PRIDE members

(Chief) Executive Exhibitors at STICKS & STONES Berlin or Cologne

Hosts of #UNPINKED


Hosts of the Unicorns in Tech Get-Together

Hosts of the Proudr After Work series

Supporters of ALICE

Supporters of Unicorns in Tech

Supporters from Proudr

Participating companies PRIDE Champion Audit & Index

Beginner, Junior & Senior Exhibitors at STICKS & STONES Berlin or Cologne


Veranstaltet von

Das Empowerment von LGBTIQ+ Menschen steht im Zentrum unserer Arbeit!

Seit 2009 sind wir über die Grenzen Deutschlands hinweg das führende LGBTIQ+ Social Business. Mit Unternehmen und Organisationen arbeiten wir etwa im Bereich Consulting & Awareness zusammen. Mit unserem Know-How und unserer Kompetenz als LGBTIQ+ Diversity Expert:innen schulen wir Führungskräfte und Mitarbeitende, begleiten die nachhaltige und positive Veränderung von Unternehmenskulturen und -strukturen und schaffen so gemeinsam offene und wertschätzende Arbeitsumfelder für LGBTIQ+ Menschen.

Im Bereich Employer Branding & Recruiting gehören unter anderem unsere STICKS & STONES, Europas größte Job- & Karrieremesse für LGBTIQ+, sowie das LGBTIQ+ Arbeitgeber:innensiegel PRIDE Champion und Proudr | Die Job- und Karriereplattform zu unseren Services.

In verschiedenen Formaten bieten wir regelmäßig Gelegenheit zum Best Practice Austausch über Unternehmen und Länder hinweg. So werden gegenseitige Lernprozesse und Plattformen für Inspiration und Austausch geschaffen. Zudem besteht über unser LGBTIQ+ Employer Excellence Programm „We Stay PRIDE” für Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zu einer auf längere Zeit angelegten Partnerschaft und Zusammenarbeit im Bereich LGBTIQ+ Diversity.