J9 Domestic Abuse Training

J9 Domestic Abuse Training

This training aims to raise awareness & understanding of domestic abuse & create Safe Spaces within our communities to access support.

Select date and time

Thursday, October 10 · 4:30 - 5:30am PDT



About this event

The J9 Domestic Abuse Initiative is named in memory of Janine Mundy, who was killed by her estranged husband. The initiative was started by her family and the local police in Cambourne, Cornwall, where she lived and aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse and assist victims to seek the help they so desperately need at the earliest opportunity. Janine used to sign her text messages off with the signature, J9, hence the initiative’s namesake.

The J9 initiative is aimed at public and customer facing businesses and organisations across the Community who are ideally placed to spot some of the early indicators of domestic abuse.

A free 1hr online training session along with supporting resources have been designed to create Safe Spaces across the Community to recognise, respond and refer anyone who may be experiencing domestic abuse at the earliest opportunity.

Individuals attending the session will qualify to display their Certificate of Attendance at their workplace. If you wish to create a 'Safe Space' within your organisation's premises (Essex only), at least two thirds of staff will need to have completed the J9 Training. This would then qualify your organisation to be a J9 Safe Space and a window sticker, support pack and J9 merchandise will be provided.

The J9 initiative in Essex is provided by Domestic Abuse Training and Consultancy Organisation, Alpha Vesta CIC and funded by Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board and Police Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex.

Individuals, Business and Organisations that complete the training are also invited to join a J9 Network across Essex who will meet quarterly to talk about their reach into the community, receive updates and connect with other members.

The J9 Training provides:-

  • A named Certificate of Attendance
  • Increased knowledge on the different forms that domestic abuse may take.
  • Increased Confidence and Skills to recognise the signs, respond and refer to support.
  • A List of Regional and National Support Services which someone can be signposted to.
  • Those living, working or impacting in Essex, can access the Essex J9 Network to connect with other members and share good practice.

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