Outreach Business Surgery - Aberaeron

Outreach Business Surgery - Aberaeron

Get ready for a casual and informative business surgery where you can seek guidance and advice on your entrepreneurial journey!

By Antur Cymru - Local Business Support

Select date and time

Thursday, August 1 · 10am - 1:30pm GMT+1


The Cellar

8 Market Street Aberaeron SA46 0AS United Kingdom

About this event

    (English below)

    🌟 Gweithdy Busnes: Cael Eich Tocyn Heddiw! 🌟
    Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer digwyddiad Gweithdy Busnes lle bydd Cynghorydd Busnes ymroddedig yn darparu cymorth ac awgrymiadau gwerthfawr i fusnesau ar bob cam—boed chi'n y cyfnod cyn-ddechrau, newydd lansio, neu'n rheoli mentrau presennol. Galwch heibio am sgwrs fyr neu drefnu apwyntiad ar gyfer ymgynghwilio dwfnach. Boed chi'n entrepreneur sy'n dechrau neu berchennog busnes profiadol, mae'r digwyddiad hwn wedi'i addasu i ddelio â'ch anghenion penodol. Os na allwch wneud y dyddiad hwn, ceir mwy o ddigwyddiadau Gweithdy Busnes ar y gweill drwy gydol 2024.
    🔍 Am y Digwyddiad Hwn:
    Sicrhewch eich tocyn heddiw! Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi i drefnu eich slot ymgynghwilio.
    Canllaw Cymraeg:
    Rydym yn eich croesawu i Ddigwyddiad Gweithdy Busnes, sylwer y bydd y sesiwn yn cael ei chynnal trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. Os hoffech gael cymorth drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, rhowch wybod inni a byddwn yn cysylltu â chi'n uniongyrchol gydag cymorth. Diolch.
    Am ymholiadau tocyn, cysylltwch â Chymorth Busnes Lleol yn business@anturcymru.org.uk neu 01239 712312. Edrychwn ymlaen at gefnogi taith fusnes.


    🌟 Business Surgery: Get Your Ticket Today! 🌟

    Join us for a Business Surgery event where a dedicated Business Adviser will provide invaluable support and advice for businesses at every stage—whether you're in the pre-start phase, just launched, or managing existing ventures. Secure an appointment for a consultation. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, this event is tailored to address your specific needs. Check out our header image for details on when all sessions will be held.

    🔍 About This Event:
    Secure your ticket today! We will be in touch to arrange your consultation slot.

    Welsh Guidance:
    We welcome you to the Business Surgery Event, please note that the session will be conducted through the medium of English. If you would like support through the medium of Welsh please inform us and we contact you directly with support. Thankyou.

    For ticket inquiries, contact Local Business Support at business@anturcymru.org.uk or 01239 712312. We look forward to supporting your business journey.

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