Marketing for Engineers. Interview of Rosie Barnes by Andrew Grill

Marketing for Engineers. Interview of Rosie Barnes by Andrew Grill

Rosemary Barnes creator of the popular YouTube channel "Engineering with Rosie", a useful marketing tool often underused by engineers.

Date and time

Wednesday, June 19 · 6 - 7:30pm GMT+1


BAM Construction, London

1 Ropemaker Street #Level 32 London EC2Y 9AW United Kingdom

About this event

Rosemary Barnes is a renewable energy engineer who is passionate about accelerating the global transition to sustainable energy. She is the founder and director of Pardalote Consulting, a boutique firm specialising in innovative energy transition technology solutions. She consults on projects across the globe, providing strategic advice, performing technological due diligence, and leading new technology development projects that pave the way for future clean energy advancements. She holds a PhD in composite materials structural design and analysis from the University of New South Wales, and has additional deep technical expertise in wind energy, manufacturing and product development.

Rosemary is also the creator of the popular YouTube channel "Engineering with Rosie," where she demystifies complex engineering topics to an audience of 90,000 subscribers, fostering greater understanding and enthusiasm for renewable energy technologies. Her channel has amassed over 5 million views, serving as a vital educational platform for discussing the challenges and innovations in energy transition.

Rosie will be interviewed by Andrew Grill, AI Expert and Leading Futurist, a dynamic and visionary tech leader with over three decades of experience steering technology companies towards innovative success.

Andrew will later open a discussion about Linklin and other social media tools which are available for engineers to further their career.

Organized by

Engineers Australia is the peak Australian forum for the advancement of engineering and the professional development of our members. Our members enjoy a wide range of benefits:

  • Continuing professional development and career services
  • Technical information and resources
  • Networking events
  • International mobility and recognition


The UK Chapter's role is to further the involvement of Australian Engineers in the profession while they are based in the United Kingdom, by:

  • Providing CPD opportunities such as technical talks and site visits;
  • Providing networking events with other Australian (and New Zealand) Engineers; and
  • Assisting with the Getting Chartered process for members.
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