Women Interactive Bible Study & Prayer

Women Interactive Bible Study & Prayer

Join us for an empowering online gathering of women, delving into interactive Bible study and uplifting prayer sessions.

By Women of Faith



About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

There are so many expectations on women! How do we navigate, how do we stand out, how do we not become overwhelmed.

1day a week can kickstart change.

So why not join us for Women's Bible Study every Thursday, once a week at 19:15pm virtually. Enjoy a relaxing environment as we learn, chat and grow stronger in our faith together.

Imagine you were drowning, you need someone of greater strength to pull you out, Christ is the one we look to, and he places us into communities where we can grow, so if you’re looking for connection and community, look no further.

Meeting Link


Got a prayer request


Have a testimony

➡️ https://forms.gle/TPGcAiH8zEhT8NuA7

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to be saved to join?

We welcome everyone into our meetings.

What if I have not read the whole Bible

We aren’t here to access your knowledge of the Bible, we are here to teach, learn, and grow together.

I’m nervous to join new groups

That’s okay, we have all experienced some anxieties going into new environments; especially virtually. However, we are all warm people, and will introduce ourselves, in no time you’ll forget you’re new.

What if I have questions, but I want to ask anonymously?

That’s okay, we do have google forms where you can add these into, same goes for prayer points as well.

What online platform will we need to attend the meetings?

The meetings will be done virtually through Zoom. The details are ID 735 7230 0795 Passcode: Faith

Will the Bible Study be virtual or in-person?

At the moment the meetings are held virtually.

Will we be able to interact in the Bible Study?

All sessions are interactive, and you are free to use the chat function during the study, and you can speak once formal teachings are over.

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