If you’re looking for wisdom to help guide you in your career – or would simply like to irritate the hell out of your colleagues – we have compiled 20 essential proverbs for you to learn and quote at appropriate moments.

Here you will find a selection of ancient proverbs, sayings and maxims from philosophers around the globe, relating to topics ranging from motivation and productivity, ethics and values, to stress and wellbeing.

Read on and you’ll be sounding like Confucius in no time.

  1. Don’t try to do everything yourself

“Many hands make light work.” – Tanzanian proverb

  1. Apply lateral thinking to problems

“In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams.” – Nigerian proverb

  1. Adopt a calm and relaxed attitude

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” – Chinese proverb

  1. Take action to make things happen

“Fools wait for a lucky day, but every day is a lucky day for an industrious man.” – Buddhist proverb

  1. Rise early and organise your day

“Lose an hour in the morning and you’ll be running after it all day.” – English Proverb

  1. Work diligently and do not rush

“All the flowers of all of the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” – Chinese Proverb

  1. Don’t squander opportunity

“Make hay while the sun shines – that’s smart. Go fishing during harvest – that’s stupid.” – The Book of Proverbs 10:5, Message

  1. Don’t overcharge your clients

“Switching price tags and padding the expense account are two things that God hates.” – The Book of Proverbs 20:10, Message

  1. Strive for great customer feedback

Well-spoken words bring satisfaction, well-done work has its own reward.” – The Book of Proverbs 12:13, Message

  1. Demonstrate staying powerful

“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Buddhist Proverb

  1. Embrace challenges

“A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials.” – Chinese Proverb

  1. Don’t be afraid of failure

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius

  1. Be bold

“If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub.” – Japanese saying

  1. Keep your staff motivated

“A ruler should be slow to punish and swift to reward.” – Ovid

  1. Lead by example

“It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself.” – Latin Proverb

  1. Take advice from others

“Arrogant know-it-alls stir up discord, but wise men and women listen to each other’s counsel.” – The Book of Proverbs 13:10, Message

  1. Practice positive thinking

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.” – Buddha

  1. Don’t let work impinge on your free time

“How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.” – Spanish proverb

  1. Take good care of yourself

“The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil

  1. Enjoy your work (and sleep late on the weekends!)

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”  – Irish Proverb


Recalling these wise words can help you through your daily challenges, stay focused and guide you towards your goals.

What are your favourite proverbs? Please share them with us in the comments section.