This is the first instalment of a three-part series where we break down the best way to create a promotional blog (or series of blogs) for your event. Long established as an engaging and effective form of content marketing, blogs allow for information sharing and story-telling. Make sure that you are equipped with the best blog strategy before you start the journey towards hitting PUBLISH!
Part 1: Finding Inspiration
A blog forms an essential part of your event’s marketing strategy. By posting updates and stories, and talking about topics that make your audience tick, you can raise awareness of your event and build a loyal following. Here we answer a few frequently asked questions when it comes to creating content and posting it on your business’s blog
Content marketing has revolutionised the way brands talk to consumers, and your online presence forms a key part of that conversation. As you come up with your content marketing plan for the year ahead, remember to add your business’s blog into the mix. Here’s how to get started.
I already have a website, so do I need a blog?
Yes. And that’s because they each have a distinct but complementary part to play. A website contains vital information: the date of an upcoming event, how to buy tickets, and contact details. While a blog is an opportunity to go above and beyond these basics. It’s the chance to engage and entertain customers with stories, behind-the-scenes previews, and interviews. Think of it as the ‘bonus features’ part of your website and remember to include a ‘blog’ tab in the main menu so it’s easy to find.
What should I blog about?
Look at it another way – what does your audience want to read about? Think beyond their age and gender, and consider their interests and hobbies. How do they spend their leisure time, where do they shop, what brands do they like?
Whether you are organising a series of educational lectures, a cultural event, a musical performance or a food festival, focus on the key interests of your target audience and look for ways to grab their attention and keep them coming back for more. For example:
– Profile some of the bands who will be performing
– Share recipes from the food trucks that will be attending
– Ask an expert speaker to share their presentation following the event
In addition, writing about your area of expertise – the things that inspire and influence you – gives your content a human voice and boosts your business’s authenticity.
How often do I need to post?
When it comes to frequency, there’s no right or wrong answer. Coming up with a content calendar can help align posts to seasonal events and bring an element of discipline to your blogging efforts, but remember you should only press publish if you have something to say. There’s no point committing to one post a week if you don’t have anything new to share. Most often, where you are in your event planning cycle will shape how regularly you blog as well as the tone of each post.
Build awareness in the lead up by announcing the launch and details of the musicians, speakers or performers you have booked, and convert readers into customers by outlining the benefits of attending as the date gets closer.
I don’t have an event planned at present, what can I talk about?
Successful brands don’t just talk to their audience because they have something to sell. The same goes for event organisers. Broadly speaking, content falls into two categories: topical and evergreen. Topical content is time sensitive, and in marketing terms refers to posts you publish in the lead up to your event – for example, they might contain details that will quickly be out-of-date.
On the other hand, evergreen content is always relevant and should keep readers engaged all year round. Try commenting on a trend within your industry and curating content from sites you like in a round-up post. In addition, get extra mileage out of a previous event by posting an image gallery and stories from attendees – it’s a great way of creating FOMO and fuelling people’s appetites for your next event.
What can I do to stand out?
For extra inspiration, look at what some of the big players who run successful event blogs are doing. Great content is essential, and in the next two parts, we’ll take a look at a few of the other elements you need to consider – like defining your online voice and creating a good-looking platform. Stay tuned!